On this page you can find the different transportation options to get to Dancenation.
Location of the competition: Sport Vlaanderen Brugge Nijverheidsstraat 112 8310 Brugge (Belgium) |
On this page you can find the different transportation options to get to Dancenation.
Location of the competition: Sport Vlaanderen Brugge Nijverheidsstraat 112 8310 Brugge (Belgium) |
PLANEThere are different airports we recommend travelling to:
Brussels Airport (BRU): 1h21min (105 km) Brussels South Charleroi Airport (CRL): 1h44min (149 km) Oostende-Brugge Airport (OST): 30min (32 km) |
PUBLIC TRANSPORTThere is a nearby trainstation in Bruges: 10min drive (by car) or a 30-minute walk from the railway station.
From the railwaystation you can also take bus number 10 to the event. Tickets: https://www.belgiantrain.be/en/ |
CARBruges is accessible by car. You can park your car nearby the venue.
There is a car park where you can park for a fee. |