1. Make sure you read the competition rules and info first before you register.
!! Belgische dansers zullen vanaf september kunnen inschrijven via het reguliere inschrijfsysteem van Dancesport Talents
Christmas outfit: all christmas colours combination of red – green – white – black
! rhinestones are not allowed
! no competition costumes
Good luck and get creative ;)
Christmas outfit: all christmas colours combination of red – green – white – black
! rhinestones are not allowed
! no competition costumes
Good luck and get creative ;)
2. Each club/dance school completes the registration file for his or her dancers
* To participate, all registrations will be per dance club/counrty. Each club will provide us with the excel document with their data and includes all their solos, duos and small groups.
The invoicing of the entries will also be done per club.
Each dancer will dance under his or her country/club.
4. Each club will receive an invoice from us. Your registrations are not complete until payment of this invoice is received.
!Deadline payment = 8/12/2024
!Deadline payment = 8/12/2024
5. Get ready to dance!! See you in Belgium